February 23, 2019 – The Fort Wayne Derby Brats took a loss against K County Junior Roller Derby at the 4pm game to open for the night. Final score of 125-255. It was amazing to see such passion in the young skaters. A loss is not to be taken lightly, however, it is a positive teaching moment and a stepping stone in the growth of a team within the sport. Fort Wayne Derby Girls also took their first loss of the 2019 season at the home opener. It was a close and hard fought battle through the entire game with a final score of Fort Wayne 159 to Omaha Roller Girls 195. For the sport of roller derby this was a respectively close game from start to finish. Something constructive always comes from every defeat and FWDG went hard at it back to practice the very next day fine tuning some skills. The cheers and yelling of OOOOOOs and AAAAHHHHs from the packed house crowd ignited a fire in their souls as they have only 2 weeks to prepare for the next game at the War Memorial Coliseum. Jammer highlights and points scored for the night were Adkins 77, Saylor 36, Feline Frenzy 19, Rennagade 14, Unraveled KAOS 7 and Whittle 6. The new VIP Experience section was a big hit for the night with those special guests earning their front row seats at the line to enjoy the hard hitting action. Check out our Facebook page to learn more about how you can be a VIP at our next game! The Tootsie Rollers playing a scrimmage against each other at half time had the crowd going WILD and lined up all the way around the track. There was also a Harry Potter themed ballroom dancing performance by long time league member Lahapa to help raise funds for the game day charity. It was a very successful event for the Derby Girls. Next home game is Scout Night on March 9th as FWDG takes on Circle City Derby Girls of Indianapolis, IN. All girl and boy scouts who wear their uniforms will be recognized and honored and there is 15+ group discount ticket pricing available. The game day charity will be Kate’s Kart and door prize drawing entries will be given to those who bring a new book with them to donate.